June 6, 2012
All plans are driven by a specific purpose. Business plans within the world are more typically based on a profit-driven model. There is no question that a business cannot endure long without a profit. However, the mind-set for a Kingdom business is driven by stewardship and holds to a higher standard of purpose. When that standard is maintained, profit will follow; and holds the potential of surpassing the profit yielded by the profit-based model. In the Kingdom, money is neither chased nor the real goal, but instead is the servant. Kingdom planning can only be facilitated through the ongoing guidance of the Holy Spirit. With God as the Senior Partner, planning maximizes wisdom to outline goals and strategies that will serve not only the members of the enterprise, but the community served by the enterprise. It is the means by which dreams are turned into reality. In 1 Chronicles 28, we gain insight into the dynamic operating within David that was foundational to his role as a leader and king.
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June 4, 2012
My unique spiritual oasis experience brought a refreshing from the Lord as I recovered from the role I had served in planting oases in tough spiritual environments. With this concept of an oasis in mind, I soon afterward had a most unusual contrasting observation made to me. In a land known for its lawlessness, corruption and poverty, a genuinely-called modern-day Joseph explained to me the fervency of the brethren of his nation to find transformation opportunity for the Kingdom. With tears in his eyes, this brother noted that more often than not, the ones finding opportunity in the world’s system, rather than becoming oases of influence, are soon exhibiting the subtleties of corruption, with the caveat that you’ll see them in church the next week mouthing what now have become empty words. The issue is not so much in the spiritual barrenness, which indeed is very real, but rather in the places that should be spiritual oases, but are not. Those exhibiting the mantle of ones anointed to create the oases, instead become just like the world around them. In short, the path into the release of spiritual oases in seats of power is laden with snares and entanglements that seduce the very elect.
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