Biblical Entrepreneurship and Success

June 24, 2012

Entrepreneurship, as God intended is designed to thrive within the community of His people. It is both an individual and a community factor of the “secret things” revealed by God to His own, designed to play a key role in them becoming the head and not the tail. As a true expression of righteous power, it can change the spiritual climate as it demonstrates the reality of God to non-believers when words fall short. Success of a new startup takes not only an expertise, but a realistic response to market need. In God’s economy, the success ratio is driven by much more, as I will soon discuss, not the least of which is making God the senior Partner and clearly adhering to His guidance.

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Entering God’s Economy

June 12, 2012

God’s economy is not some new dimension of Western Christian pop-culture. It is the dimension of those “secret things” that has been an integral part of the model explaining why the Jewish people have not only survived the civilizations that have come and gone over the centuries, but have been disproportionate contributors to the advancement of those societies. The model for these secret things came from Abraham, who operated a God-centered, entrepreneurial community. The mantle also came from Abraham: “to be blessed to be a blessing.” Moses then recorded the principles comprehensively for the operation of the model and mandate in the Books of Moses. Entrepreneurship is the spark that both ignites and fuels this dynamic encompassing the model and mandate that we refer to as God’s economy.

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Practical Kingdom Plans

June 6, 2012

All plans are driven by a specific purpose. Business plans within the world are more typically based on a profit-driven model. There is no question that a business cannot endure long without a profit. However, the mind-set for a Kingdom business is driven by stewardship and holds to a higher standard of purpose. When that standard is maintained, profit will follow; and holds the potential of surpassing the profit yielded by the profit-based model. In the Kingdom, money is neither chased nor the real goal, but instead is the servant. Kingdom planning can only be facilitated through the ongoing guidance of the Holy Spirit. With God as the Senior Partner, planning maximizes wisdom to outline goals and strategies that will serve not only the members of the enterprise, but the community served by the enterprise. It is the means by which dreams are turned into reality. In 1 Chronicles 28, we gain insight into the dynamic operating within David that was foundational to his role as a leader and king.

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Spiritual Oases

June 4, 2012

My unique spiritual oasis experience brought a refreshing from the Lord as I recovered from the role I had served in planting oases in tough spiritual environments. With this concept of an oasis in mind, I soon afterward had a most unusual contrasting observation made to me. In a land known for its lawlessness, corruption and poverty, a genuinely-called modern-day Joseph explained to me the fervency of the brethren of his nation to find transformation opportunity for the Kingdom. With tears in his eyes, this brother noted that more often than not, the ones finding opportunity in the world’s system, rather than becoming oases of influence, are soon exhibiting the subtleties of corruption, with the caveat that you’ll see them in church the next week mouthing what now have become empty words. The issue is not so much in the spiritual barrenness, which indeed is very real, but rather in the places that should be spiritual oases, but are not. Those exhibiting the mantle of ones anointed to create the oases, instead become just like the world around them. In short, the path into the release of spiritual oases in seats of power is laden with snares and entanglements that seduce the very elect.

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Holy Spirit Planning

May 29, 2012

Planning is the systematic employment of wisdom to map out the best steps, or strategies, to maximize the benefit of the process for the one(s) involved and the end-result for the broader community. A planning mind-set sets leaders apart from followers. Good planning maps out the pathway. It is a mark of good stewardship. Planning engenders the discipline and maturity needed within community. Anointed planning means the Holy Spirit is uniquely involved. In this context, the Lord serves a central, interactive role in the planning process. Anointed planning pivots on faith-responses to God’s guidance. As outlined in Proverbs 3:5,6 this pivots on trusting the Lord for His input. God has always had a plan and a purpose for His own; individually and as a people.

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Misguided Tongues

May 27, 2012

October 24, 1996 is a date our family will never forget. It is the day our 30 year old daughter Trisha Stemple was brutally murdered. Trish, a beautiful young mother of two, was the administrator for an overseas disaster response ministry. She loved the Lord with all her heart. Aa a prophetic intercessor, the morning before Trish’s funeral I asked the Lord for the context of what had been taking place in the spiritual realm. The answers I received have become even more applicable today than at the time we originally faced this tragedy. They reflect a truth foundational not only for those called as intercessors, but for those called to pave new ground for the Kingdom. As I prayed, I began understanding how loose tongues from among those anointed for service create open doors of vulnerability within the Body to attacks from the enemy; attacks enabling him to harness the anointing for his evil purposes. Indeed, they create a catalyst that sets in motion what can become raging firestorms.

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Joseph-Daniel Testimonies

May 26, 2012

Since the beginning of the SIGN ministry in 1996, we have received innumerable emails giving remarkable testimonies of unique Joseph-Daniel type callings for this hour. These are ones who God has prepared and have entered a dimension of bringing change within the power structures of their spheres. Likewise, if this ministry; our posts or books have played a role in encouraging or releasing you into your Joseph-Daniel calling, we want to hear about it! Please use the comment section below to share with us your Joseph-Daniel testimony. We promise to pray…

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The Joseph-Daniel Calling

May 25, 2012

In every generation there are those who have been given a message. But it’s not enough to have received the message. There’s not a release to bring forth the message until it has passed through the refining fires of years of life experiences. Years of testing the truth of the message. Well, for Morris Ruddick, the time has come. The time to release the Daniel and Joseph message, for with it will come the release of many into the understanding that they were brought into the Kingdom for such a time as this.
Mike Jacobs, Generals International

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God’s Economy, Israel and the Nations

May 25, 2012

Beginning with Deuteronomy and going through the New Testament, I feel that Morris has put into everyday language and knowledge from his own experience a pattern of living our Christian lives by bringing together our business interests and our Christian values. That is not done by very many of God’s people. It seems that people want to go either the secular route or the spiritual route without bringing them together as the Bible teaches. I remember Morris on the ORU campus, and how deeply involved he was with our own efforts of merging the spiritual and the physical realms. He has gone a step further and taken it into the business world of our everyday affairs. I just feel you are going to profit greatly by this book. God bless it to you.
Oral Roberts

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Vietnam: The Contrasts

May 20, 2012

Post-1975 Vietnam, the soul of its people, is a story worthy of telling. It is a story of courage, of unity and a people who love their nation; yet who give first honor to the God who created the nations. It is a demonstration of how, against the odds of adversity, the biblical precepts of community, entrepreneurship and the spiritual operate together. It is a story that extends from rice paddy laborers to small business owners to commanders of armies to members of the politburo. It stretches from the southern most city of Ca Mau to the northern most tip at Mong Cai. Each story is unique; yet significant in the mosaic comprising the spirit of this most remarkable people.

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