The Joseph Calling #2

by Morris Ruddick on July 14, 2016

The Joseph Calling — #2 Video

We are entering a time when there will be changes in the infrastructures of the world’s systems IMG_0482that will create reversals resulting in discontinuities and shortages such as the world has never seen; but, in the same manner that Joseph the patriarch was sent ahead to prepare for what was coming to the earth, God is today sending individuals ahead to prepare for a time of great change that will precede the greatest time of restoration of all times.

These Josephs will be individuals who clearly hear God’s voice and who possess a unique understanding of the times, who will be thrust into positions of influence within the economic, governmental and business infrastructures that guide the course of world events; and much as in the days of Joseph, the needs of the Body and the funding of the coming harvest will be met in unusual ways, as God taps the Body into His unlimited resources and unites us in a common singular vision.

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