God’s Economy, Israel and the Nations
Partial List of Endorsements
This great book by my dear and warm friend, Morris Ruddick, a former student of Oral Roberts University and a man who has, in the years since, developed a global view of the world and brought together from the Bible the way that we as believers should merge our efforts on the secular side with the spiritual principles of the Word of God. He has given all of us a book that will have a powerful uplifting and defining influence upon our lives. Beginning with Deuteronomy and going through the New Testament, I feel that Morris has put into everyday language and knowledge from his own experience a pattern of living our Christian lives by bringing together our business interests and our Christian values. That is not done by very many of God’s people. It seems that people want to go either the secular route or the spiritual route without bringing them together as the Bible teaches. I remember Morris on the ORU campus, and how deeply involved he was with our own efforts of merging the spiritual and the physical realms. He has gone a step further and taken it into the business world of our everyday affairs. I just feel you are going to profit greatly by this book. God bless it to you.
Oral Roberts
Founder/Chancellor, Oral Roberts University
Morris Ruddick is a man with a strong sense of God’s call upon his life. This book tells in an open and honest way how that call worked out for him. What makes it different is that Morris’s call to business and to ministry were intertwined. As Morris struggled to work this out in practice he developed a special perspective which, though new in today’s world, is found in the patriarchs of old, most notably Joseph. This book challenges the traditional mind-sets about business and ministry and offers an important and timely insight into the strategic role of the Joseph Calling in building the Kingdom. We are given real-life examples of people who are exercising that calling today and you will be challenged to think differently about your own calling to business and ministry.
Bill Bolton, PhD
Founder and Former Director of Cambridge University’s St. John’s Technology Innovation Centre, Businessman and Co-author of Entrepreneurs: Technique, Temperament and Talent
Morris Ruddick’s book, God’s Economy, Israel and the Nations, is a tool to discover the principles that God has wanted revealed to His Body for a long time. It gives us a model and a pattern for the economy of the kingdom that is applicable to rule and govern in this kingdom. I love how he brings out in Chapter 2 the importance of interlinking business and ministry. So many times we separate them by saying priests and kings, but we have all been made Kings and Priests. The Joseph model is exciting, thrilling and will renew your mind in as it shows how ministry and business can flow together. This is a tool to impact the world! Thank you, Morris Ruddick, for your insight and revelation to the Body of Christ.
Marilyn Hickey
President, Marilyn Hickey Ministries
One evening, a friend gave me a copy of Morris Ruddick’s book, God’s Economy, Israel and the Nations. This book spoke straight to my heart from the very first page. In fact, it spoke to me so deeply, I couldn’t put it down. The author’s vision of the workplace, supported strongly by scripture was totally different than anything I had read. The author recounted numerous experiences from his own business career to illustrate his points; many of them being very similar to my own experiences. As a senior financial executive with a real estate management firm, I had been struggling with the seeming lack of spiritual significance in my career. I desired to be on the front lines of God’s work, and not just a source of funding for those who were. Through this book, I was able to see my career in a fresh, new, and exciting manner – it really did have important spiritual significance. Being in the workplace didn’t mean putting the work of God on the back burner. Not only did this book help me see my career in a brand new light, but it was a catalyst for me to develop a deeper walk with the Lord. Truly, this book caused a paradigm shift in my life. This book is a must read for any believer who is in the business world.
Peter S. Yesner, CPA
CFO, Traditions of America
In this book, Morris Ruddick not only establishes solid, transcendent principles of economy, business, entrepreneurship and kingdom dominion, but he insightfully shows how they are firmly rooted in our Judeo-Christian heritage. God’s Economy, Israel and the Nations will lift you to a new level!
C. Peter Wagner, Presiding Apostle
International Coalition of Apostles
Global Harvest Ministries
The prophets are declaring a transference of wealth into the hands of the righteous! For this to happen there must be revelation and strategy released to the Body of Christ. Morris Ruddick does an incredible job of clarifying biblical principles for kingdom opportunities. God’s Economy, Israel and the Nations tears down walls between the secular and sacred for business and ministry. For all who desire to participate in God’s prophetic call for today, I highly recommend this book. You, your ministry and your business will never be the same.
Barbara Wentroble
Founder, International Breakthrough Ministries, Author
Morris Ruddick is a visionary who has spent concentrated prayer time with the Lord and as a result has received an amazing understanding of the Joseph/Daniel Calling. Through the years Morris has received greater knowledge about this calling and has generously shared it through the pages of this book. You will be blessed as well as enlightened by the wisdom Morris imparts from his time spent with the Father.
A. Conan Davis, DMD MPH
2001-2002 ADA Congressional Fellow
Chief Dental Officer, Medicaid and Medicare Program
I thought I was a pioneer, but Morris Ruddick’s book, God’s Economy, Israel and the Nations has shown me that someone else has faced the daunting challenges that have confronted me. Not only has he faced the same challenges, but he has left me with a guide book and a set of blueprints, an entrepreneurs theology. He has supplied me with the networking knowledge that enables me to connect with like-minded brothers and sisters, other over-comers. I want everyone in my organization to have a dog-eared copy of this book.
David Henry, President
Magma Minerals Inc.
As a bookstore owner, I review a lot of new titles. Morris Ruddick’s God’s Economy, Israel and the Nations is fresh, relevant and timely. Morris gives us much more than a simple book on bringing God into the marketplace. This book is a big picture strategy for transformation in not only the marketplace but the government as well. God’s Economy, Israel and the Nations will help you gain a higher view of what God is wanting to do in the nations today to see His Kingdom come. I couldn’t give the book as well as Morris a higher recommendation.
Brad Herman
Owner, Solomon’s Porch Bookstores
Morris Ruddick has written a timely and unique book that represents a guide to the Christian entrepreneur and business owner who feels called into business and genuinely wants to do something for the Kingdom. It combines the practical, inspirational and academic dimensions incorporated in what it takes to genuinely interlink business and ministry.
David Cerullo
President and CEO, The Inspiration Networks