Something More





  (c) Morris E. Ruddick

Excerpt from


Walking out a call of God begins at a level described in the Book of Hebrews as milk. Milk is palatable, easily digested and provides a sense of comfort. Maturity on the other hand is described as meat. Meat requires more work and cannot be digested until development progresses to a certain level.

The milk mode comes primarily from the preaching and teaching of others.

The meat or proactive mode to maturity comes from a direct interaction with the Holy Spirit through deep immersion into God’s Word and prayer. The meat mode takes time, dedication and commitment. The transition takes place when the believer departs from absorbing information to entering a vibrant, ongoing interactive flow with the Spirit.

This is a proactive process that leads into the pathway described by Jesus as having its entrance at the narrow gate.

Paul’s conversion began with him already having a substantive grasp of the Scripture. Despite that, he described his pathway to the meat-mode in Galatians 1:16-18. Paul wrote the Galatians that following his dramatic Damascus road experience, he did not confer with flesh and blood, nor even go to the Apostles in Jerusalem; but went away to Arabia where God revealed His plan for him to bring the gospel to the Gentiles. The suggestion is that for maturity, we must move beyond the comfort levels of the milk to that something more, where our regular spiritual sustenance is on meat.

The path to Joseph the Patriarch’s high calling began when God gave him two dreams. Despite one of the Western church’s most misinterpreted conclusions about Joseph; that for the next thirteen years, God had to work on Joseph’s character, there was something a great deal more. Character was the secondary benefit to Joseph entering the flow of the Spirit which actuated him to being positioned to reverse the curse brought on his household by the wayward digressions of his brothers.

God, through Joseph, was redeeming the destiny of His chosen people. It was during those thirteen years in Egyptian slavery and prison that Joseph developed a proactive interaction with God that resulted in him boldly telling the baker and wine-taster that “interpreting dreams is God’s business, so tell me your dreams.” It was during that time that Joseph’s heart aligned with God in such a way, that when promoted to sit along side Pharaoh, he not only accomplished God’s intentions, but became as a father to Pharaoh.

For the heroes of faith like Paul and Joseph, entering that dimension of the Spirit took something more. It is that something more that is the focus of this book. This devotional is designed as a supplement to my first three books, “The Joseph-Daniel Calling,” “God’s Economy, Israel and the Nations,” and “The Heart of a King.” It targets those called with a high calling to bring transformation and to disciple nations.

The Process
Romans 1:17 describes our spiritual progress as going from faith to faith. It is a process. In my case, early in my walk with the Lord, I began spending time each day reading God’s Word and praying. I used a method of interactive journaling to record questions and considerations that occurred to me in prayer about the new pathway I was walking.

Then, through missionary friends we spent time praying with at the time, I was exposed to a robust, nine-chapter a day Bible-reading program. I sampled and followed this program for a time; then developed my own version that I used for the next twenty some-odd years.

After a time of almost uninterrupted success, we hit some uncharted waters. I was grounded in God’s Word, but operating beyond my natural abilities. My pastor imparted some advice that I didn’t understand at the time, but that I heeded. His advice was to take three or four days alone with the Lord and do nothing but pray in the Spirit. I found that easier said than done, but I pressed through and emerged changed. That change might best be described as the gateway to the bridge crossing the dividing asunder between soul and spirit. It provided and provides the release tied to the gifts Paul describes in Romans 12 that previously had only comparatively been trickles operationally.

Then there came a time when we relocated and found ourselves in a community that was teeming with witch covens. The spiritual atmosphere we had entered was subtle and it was deadly. It didn’t take long before I recognized that if we were to survive, I would need something more than the daily hour and a half program of God’s word and prayer that I had been following.

That something more proved to be a booklet by Marilyn Hickey titled “Speak the Word.” In short, this potent little booklet includes personalized scriptures that provide proclamations concerning wisdom, joy, abundant life, safety, release from fear, family, unconditional love, relationships and those in authority.

I was being assaulted by the curses of some very high-level leaders from these satanic covens. The oppression was beyond anything I had ever experienced. So, before I began reading the Bible each morning; I would read these personalized scriptures aloud. Some days I’d read them through out loud twice; some days three times; and when things were especially heavy, I’d do it four times. I eventually memorized the scriptures in this booklet; and found it to be the potent difference in establishing a shield against aggressive forces of darkness.

So, the process evolved from a foundation of maintenance in which I spent quality time each day in God’s Word, followed by interactive prayer that was journaled and reviewed. The basics were then augmented by praying in the Spirit and a practice of what began with Marilyn Hickey’s booklet: a progressive memorization program. Over time, the employment of these practices of seeking the Lord and His heart began to give birth to unexpected, supernatural dimensions bearing on my calling.

God’s Unexpecteds
1995 seemed to mark a transition into a time when the Lord would initiate agendas for me to follow. It was in that year that I discovered what an Internet search engine was. With part of my background being in the media, I wanted to know if this medium was being used by believers for Kingdom purposes. Specifically, I was interested in whether anyone was using the Internet to “address strategic-level issues impacting the Body globally” through intercession.

The story that unfolded can be read in my “God’s Economy” book, but in short what transpired was the birthing of an Internet-based ministry in which I began writing articles bearing on “strategic-level issues impacting the Body globally.” We call it the Strategic Intercession Global Network (SIGN  SIGN has also evolved into a blog bearing the name of the Strategic Issues Global Network (

As I embraced the charge of seeking the Lord for the substance of these strategic-level issues and writing articles bearing on matters close to His heart, the Lord clearly let me know that I was not to read or listen to any teachings on these topics by others who may have been addressing them. In other words, there was to be no analysis or consensus. God wanted revelation.

Despite the process of my walk with Him advancing aggressively from faith to faith, I found myself seriously questioning the confidence I had to hear from my prayer closet and put together articles on what, at the time, were relatively virgin topics that would be read in those early days by several hundred people.

Yet, that was exactly what the Lord expected me to do. My concerns likewise were unfounded. As I proceeded into this new arena, the Lord was very faithful in guiding and making clear the focus of what was coming from my time with Him. The “ban” on reading or listening to what other leaders were saying about these topics extended until year 2000, when at His instruction, I compiled a group of articles from this process which became “The Joseph-Daniel Calling” book.

It was during this new focus of defining strategic issues in the late nineties that the Lord prompted me to add a new dimension to this process. I began prayerfully compiling scripture to memorize each year. Combined with a year-end time of reconsecration and prayer for what the Lord would be unfolding in the upcoming year, absorbing a new swath of scripture began to give greater clarity to the path I was walking.

The “absorption” of these scriptures provided a depth in grasping their meaning that began being reflected in the SIGN posts I was writing. Likewise, I began realizing a theme that came from each annual group of scriptures memorized that carried a prophetic dimension to what took place for me that year.

The dynamic no doubt parallels what is intended for leaders by Deuteronomy 17. Deuteronomy 17 reflects a mandate to the one who sits on the throne as king. In short, they must keep a copy of God’s word with them wherever they go and read it daily. Tradition indicates that the kings originally were charged with writing out, by hand, the entire Torah and memorizing it. Those bearing the true calling of today’s priestly kings, the Josephs and Daniels, carry the same responsibility.

The Approach
The substance of this book reflects twelve years of scriptures that bear on my own calling as a modern-day Joseph-Daniel pioneer. It provides a robust approach to nurture the calling of a generation of leaders whose roles are integrated with what the Lord is doing through the marketplace.

License has been taken with the scriptures in each chapter to maximize their impact. In some cases they have been personalized, in others a passage has been condensed, in still others vague wording clarified. In no cases, were meanings changed. For each scripture, the reference is given for readers desiring to review the translations available for themselves. In two instances, in Chapter Two, I have included personal words I have received in prayer and have noted them as such.

There is ample flexibility for the use of these scriptures. For most, after an initial review, I suggest taking a chapter each month and reading them aloud daily. There will be some, who find a hunger for “something more” than this approach; who may commit to memorizing them. The value of doing so will bear untold fruit.

The appendix includes a chart with instruction to guide the reader into the program comprising nine chapters of the Bible each day. There is also a prayer for the persecuted church, as well as a cleansing prayer, the function of which when combined with personal communion, I describe as pressing the spiritual default button.

Years ago, I was deeply touched by the message of a book titled “Dedication and Leadership” (Douglas Hyde, Notre Dame Press, 1992). Written by a former communist activist with the “Daily Worker,” who had been converted to Christianity, it portrays the observation of the need for the Western church to at least match the zeal of communist zealots. The effort of this book reflects the “something more” needed to go beyond matching that zeal.

The issue is stewardship. Some have estimated that more than half the scriptures on righteousness are within the context of stewardship. What this book’s approach addresses is the stewardship of your calling. Solomon’s Proverbs give keen focus to the counterpoints of wisdom and stewardship: the fool and the sluggard. This devotional/manual is not for those with priorities focused on their comforts and the lust of the flesh. If taken seriously and acted on; it will prove to be the meat of maturity leading to that “something more” than might ever come from natural efforts.

I have long carried a great burden for those with the Joseph-Daniel calling. It is a high calling; one that cannot be trifled with or obtained with ease. The cost matches the calling. The substance of my previous books has frequently been described as meat. The substance is aligned with the calling; as Jesus made it clear that “many would be called, but few chosen.”

For those chosen, the Joseph-Daniel calling will indeed require “something more.” The “something more” will be the maturity that prevails. It will be the mark of true Kingdom leadership. This effort is not for those needing to be spoon fed, nor those drawn by good intentions or ambitions, or any other notion of man, apart from God’s call.

May the ones called to put their hands to the plow, pierce the veil to realize the mark of this high calling.

Excerpt Chapter


Reaching for “something more” will entail a grasp of the “fine line.” The “fine line” extends beyond the portals of the narrow gate referenced in two of the Gospel accounts.  It involves those moving into what some refer to as the deeper things of the Spirit.  It impacts those called to do something beyond the ordinary. It is those who, in their times with the Lord, go beyond what most others will ever “see.”  It will be those serving as pioneers, paving the way for others.  It will be those who have connected to something in the spirit, and by faith are hanging on.

For those penetrating these thresholds, the fine line entails increases in the delicacy and precision required to maneuver and advance.  This is not to be confused with a prideful perfectionism.  It involves progressive subtleties in the distinctions between operating in the soulish realm and in the spiritual.  For much being given, much will be required.

The more deeply we move into the spirit realm, the more we will recognize this fine line between operating in faith and operating in foolishness; between operating in the supernatural and operating in la-la land.

It is the fine line that marks the difference between being strong in faith and forcing an issue.  It is the fine line that distinguishes between being controlling and being able to speak into a person’s life.  The fine line is being a trusted vehicle to speak forth the Word of the Lord, but not having the words we deliver being tied to an egotistical need for acceptance.  The fine line differentiates between faith and presumption.  The fine line is the separation in recognizing and correctly interpreting deep truths, and over-spiritualizing.  The fine line divides the flow of the Spirit and the subtle compulsions of the flesh.

This fine line is “the dividing asunder between soul and spirit” spoken of in Hebrews.  It is the difference between operating by human effort and seeing the results from entering His rest.

The bottom line for the fine line of whether we stay the course is the poise of our soul.  It is the issues of the heart.  It requires an absolute openness to be REAL in the presence of the Lord.  The cost of the “secret place” of His presence is a heart that can stand before Him without any covert issues; without any “secret” places or hidden agendas of the soul.

There have been some within prophetic circles who have referenced the idea of the “wounded prophet.”  Without any unkindness intended, whether in the prophetic or any other arena of spiritual leadership, you can’t expect to move forward or to travel the distance with unresolved baggage.  Jesus described the narrow path of those bearing the Kingdom mantle.  Those who press into the depths; yet overlook what the Bible refers to as the issues of the heart are treading in hazardous territory.

This is not a case for unfruitful, wheel-spinning introspection.  It’s about learning to genuinely operate as Galatians 2:20 suggests, and as Paul admonishes the Corinthians that we should daily die to self.  You can’t hurt a dead man.

Such is the mystery. It is the exchange of His Life for ours. It is an exchange that means we are unfazed by the circumstance or situation. The key to proceeding on this path is to insure that we guard our hearts, that we speak truth in our own hearts, and that the issues of our hearts are open and real between us and the Lord.  It is foundational to the relationship.

David’s Promotion and Poise of His Soul
David, known as a man after God’s heart emerged from an extended time of great pressures and tribulations, to a time in which the promises came forth. He had rest from his enemies, as he was now the king with great influence and prosperity. Then there emerged the episode with Bathsheba.  This familiar story when Nathan came forth to confront David includes some profound subtleties. There is no doubt of David being convicted of his sin.  However, strong clues of David’s weakened relationship with the Lord were evidenced, as Nathan imparted the word of the Lord to him.

In 2 Samuel 12:10 Nathan addresses the core issue in David’s downfall.  The passage reads that “the sword will not depart from your house, because YOU HAVE DESPISED ME.”  David “despising” the Lord is a major departure from the one who had previously been known as consistently having “sought the Lord.”

God’s Word through Nathan reminded David that the Lord had given David his master Saul’s house and his wives, as well as all of Judah and Israel. Then it went on to say that if that had not been enough for David, the Lord would have given David “much, much more.”

How could one who had been so faithful, for so long, have slipped to the point to where he was described as despising the Lord?

The implication is that David had become preoccupied and distracted in giving the Lord first priority.  That preoccupation and distraction came within the context of the very position God had put him in; to bless Him and to use him.  While the Bible isn’t specific on this matter, it implies that his downfall began with the priority David gave to His time with the Lord. He had lost his intimacy with Him.

David had come to the pinnacle of the promises and blessings God had spoken to him about years prior.  Yet, at issue in his downfall, was the place in his heart He was now giving the Lord.  It bears on the subtle encroachment of the pride of life, the love of the world and the lust of the flesh upon God’s anointed.

This would not have happened if David had been giving heed to the poise of his soul.  The clear night that David gazed out and saw Bathsheba and was tempted was not an event.  It was the culmination of a subtle process.  It was a process in which David lost focus and failed in that which had once been his greatest strength: of being one whose soul was always “poised toward the Lord.”  He was riding the momentum of his past successes.  At that juncture the Lord described the condition of David’s heart as “despising the Lord.”  David had lost that place in the crucible. No doubt, David had begun believing his own press releases. David had survived the years of persecution.  He had arrived.

Thank God David could face the truth and that he knew how to repent! Thank God he knew what it meant to be “weak, though anointed.”

The Transition into Promotions
There are many key players within the Body who, like David, have been waiting for years for what the Lord has promised.  They have been faithful in that waiting process.  The time is fast approaching when the fullness promised will be upon them.  Many, like Joseph, are poised to be promoted to sit along side of Pharaoh.  Some, like David, will see the end of pressures and persecutions and be elevated to positions of prestige and influence and authority.  They will embrace privileged positions prepared for them by the Lord. They are privileged positions to enable them as the chosen, to be used mightily in the accomplishment of key God-ordained agendas.  They will be bearing mantles of high trust.

The Apostle Paul provides a key to the before, the during, and the after of the transition.  Paul said that regardless of his situation, that he had learned contentment.  He wrote the Philippians and told them that in whatever “condition” he found himself, abased or abounding, he had learned contentment.  Why?  It was because his orientation was dependent on the Lord, not on his circumstance.  Paul also understood and lived the truth in Proverbs 16 that the one “who rules his own spirit, is mightier than the one who takes a city.”

There are some within the Body, who have experienced years of preparation for the calling God has for them; with the time of His high purpose at hand.  It is a time not unlike that described for Queen Esther, “for such a time as THIS!”

In his letter to the Romans (Romans 12:2), Paul admonishes them “not to be conformed to the world.”  The Phillips translation expresses that verse well by saying “don’t let the world squeeze you into its mold.”

While we all know that, this truth is critical to those about to be promoted; those making the transition from the called to the chosen. With the promotions will be changes in venue and function that need to be recognized. They won’t be recognized if that central factor operating prior to the promotion is in any way relaxed: the poise of our hearts toward Him, together with the priority given to our time with Him.

That means maintaining the highest priority to the time spent regularly immersing ourselves in His Word.  That means giving focus to the time given to personal worship and fellowship with Him.  It means honing the spontaneity of prayer and a heart that seeks Him first as the foundation to the high calling.

The deception with the promotion is the idea of having arrived.  If anything, the process that led to the promotion, time with Him, is going to be more important than ever.  The faithfulness that takes one through the time of waiting has got to be at the forefront in addressing and accomplishing the agendas God has entrusted to those promoted.  It represents the fine line.

The Fine Line for Those Being Promoted
The fine line is maintaining that edge.  The fine line is speaking truth in our own hearts, as outlined in the 15th Psalm.  The fine line is constantly guarding our hearts with all diligence as we are admonished in Proverbs 4.  The fine line is insuring that every thought is brought captive to the obedience of Jesus.  The fine line is sacrificing our ego and personal agendas so that the love of God can flow through us; so we can be instruments of HIS purpose.

The fine line is operating according to the Kingdom mysteries. To lead we must serve. True greatness is based on humility.  We bless those who curse us.  The fine line is not natural.  But then, it is no longer our lives we are living.  The fine line is daily avoiding spiritual staleness and never being satisfied with anything less than revival reigning in our hearts. It is never being willing to accept anything less than that wonderful consciousness of His presence.

The gifts may be flowing.  Lives may be touched.  Miracles no doubt will come forth in great measure. Incredible things will be accomplished for the Kingdom. Yet if we ever relinquish that poise of the soul toward Him and that time with Him, the result will be for naught.  We will be like a loud gong or a clanging cymbal.  Regardless of our circumstance or position; whether we are facing promotion or simply allowing the Spirit to draw us more deeply into the agendas He is entrusting us with, let us maintain that place in Him spoken of by David as “weak, though anointed.”

The narrow gate is followed by the narrow path. The narrow pathway is a life guided by the Spirit. It’s what being a God-pleaser is all about. It is a life that cannot in any way be guided by the pride of life, the love of the world, or the lusts of the flesh. Nor can it be relinquished to our feelings, or our brilliant ideas, or our self-righteousness, or the approval of man, or any other factor other than us operating in total oneness and harmony with the Master.  That’s the fine line.  And for those crossing the boundary between the called and chosen, that’s the bottom line.

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Bible Reading Chart

Prayer for the Persecuted Church and Believers in Israel

Cleansing Prayer for Clarity in Hearing