May 19, 2012
The mix of natural, spiritual and entrepreneurial gifts is stirred and released through the anointing and become the foundation for what we call one’s destiny or calling. The sowing of the gifts will yield enlargement. The impact of the gifts multiplies when applied with the community dynamic of tz’dakah or “righteous charity.” The long-term benefit of the gifts rightly applied extends ripples of blessings to both the one bestowing and the recipients.
“Do you see a man skilled in his work? He will stand before kings; he will not stand before obscure men.” Proverbs 22:29
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April 16, 2012
The world is searching for a people who will demonstrate the reality of God operating in their midst. Establishing God’s Kingdom authority goes beyond ethics, obeying His Word and being nice people. It goes beyond interim stratagems fueled by pop-Christian culture. It typically runs in the face of what is embraced as the status quo. It involves the application of the mandate, model and mantle drawn from the Jewish roots to our faith and is the foundation for what Jesus imparted as the Kingdom of God. In short, we are not called to be or operate like everyone else. We are called to be in the world, but not of the world. We’re called to make a difference that transforms.
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