Kingdom of God and God’s Economy

The Model

March 12, 2016

So in summarizing the focus on the model for Jewish secrets, we have two levels. The first is that Abraham operated the model that is at the core of Jewish business secrets. Abraham ran a God-centered entrepreneurial community. However, the other dimension of the model is how Abraham walked out his life. His life was a journey with God. He had no greater priority than knowing God and His ways. He reverenced God with an undivided heart. The result was that God was his shield and God blessed and multiplied Abraham far beyond what he might have accomplished through his own efforts. Through God, Abraham bridged the realm between the natural and the spiritual. Abraham had a destiny and he was wise enough to know that his destiny was only going to be fulfilled and exceeded, through God. In conclusion, the degree to which this ancient model is followed is critical to an economy’s ability to withstand the rigors of change over time. It forms the basis of the strategy of an entrepreneurial-based middle class; the economic independence that nurtures the good and the growth of the society. This premise is the thread that begins forming the economic tapestry that endures. The model that combines the spiritual, the entrepreneurial and community is the pathway that gives entrance to new dimensions, higher dimensions. As I’ve previously noted, what I’m outlining is a way of thinking. It enhances the creative and taps deeply the true nature of our gifts. True entrepreneurship is based on the development of a gift that becomes commercialized. Ancient Jewish writings uphold that “a man’s gift makes room for him and brings him before great men.”

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March 6, 2016

Over the millennia the Jewish people not only have succeeded in retaining their cultural identity, but with disproportionate achievement have served as catalysts and influencers to the civilizations that would rise and fall around them, like the Greeks, the Romans, the Assyrians, the Ottomans, the Babylonians and others. Historically, in civilizations without a middle class, the Jewish people have served that function, as merchants and bankers and people of business. They have been advisors to kings, rulers and leaders and financed national agendas in the societies in which they lived. Yet, as a people, Jews have been distinctive. As a people, they have released nuggets of wisdom from the roots of their faith that have impacted the foundations: economically, governmentally, judicially, and morally, for what is now considered as the good and enduring virtues and values within Western civilization. Today, despite being only one-fourth of one percent of the world’s population, since 1950, Jews have been the recipients of 27 percent of the Nobel prizes awarded. Studies such as “The Golden Age of Jewish Achievement” and “Startup Nation” attest to their modern-day contributions, which statisticians would view as “beyond chance expectation.” In short, Jewish strategies have resulted in them outliving, as a people, the civilizations of which they have been a part. The keys to this remarkable phenomenon lie in the restoration of the foundations and its long-term, enduring model.

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The Creative Path

February 19, 2015

These dimensions of God are beyond the ordinary thresholds of how most people are wired to think and act. Paul described these unlimited facets of His presence as the riches of God’s glory. Jesus advanced this reality by admonishing His followers to seek the oneness of abiding — in Him. In His presence is a glory to be partaken when our interactions with Him are pure. The heart of God desires a people willing to transcend the boundaries of human limitations and in truth, meekness and righteousness (Ps 45:4), to share in these dimensions with Him. In approaching these boundless dimensions of His nature, there is a pathway that uncovers, engenders and releases the creative. Discerning the voice of the Lord is the gateway. This gateway leads to the discovery of much more.

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Community Building

July 16, 2012

Biblical community is the pinnacle of God’s people operating together with a common purpose. Abraham portrayed the model with the interrelated dimensions of being God-centered, entrepreneurial and community-driven. The Jewish Torah gives keen focus to the operating principles for biblical community. Jesus indicated when the community of God’s people function together as God intends that it demonstrates God’s reality and draws the world to Himself. “Let your light shine before men that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven.” (Matthew 5:16) While the world has come up with many approaches to community; none begin to compare. Biblical community is an expression of both the discipline and maturity of its members. It thrives on a high-level of trust and service, fueled by the community dynamic of tz’dakah, which is charitable righteousness. It grows through a unique use of spiritual power driven by servant leadership. It is a safe place of spiritual nurturing, while simultaneously being an incubator for the encouragement and growth of the giftings of its members. With that will be a common higher purpose that endures beyond its generations.

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Opportunity in Turbulent Times

July 9, 2012

Joseph the Patriarch operated uniquely from within the world’s system. His stewardship and prophetic gift made room for him. Yet, despite adversity arrayed against him, he also demonstrated the reality of God. He stewarded opportunity as a most unlikely candidate, without position, from the bottom-up; to a point to when God intervened and he became a prototype of establishing God’s authority and rule from the top-down. Joseph became a model of harnessing opportunity in turbulent times for God’s purposes, while providing a safe haven for both his benefactors and God’s people in the process. The dynamic of overriding the spiritual storm approaching the world at that time carries a parallel to the times before us and the approach needed in the face of adversity.

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Stewardship in God’s Economy

June 29, 2012

We are not called be or to operate like “everyone else.” As God’s people, we are called to be distinctive, to operate at a higher standard. Scripture tells us that the wisdom of Daniel was ten times better than the best the worldly advisors in the king’s court could offer. Since God has had a people, those known by His Name have been a light to the surrounding societies because of God being with them. Within a fallen world, described by scripture as ruled by the bondage of corruption, the story of God’s people has again and again been one of breaking the constraints of the curse that grips the world; and directs the way it thinks and employs power. Those called by God’s name have a mandate to exercise righteous power, to overcome evil with good, and as the head and not the tail, to rule over the works of His hands. In short, we’re called to steward not only our individual gifts, but as a people to make a difference in the world around us through our active participation in the model that drives God’s economy and the mantle of being blessed to be a blessing.

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Biblical Entrepreneurship and Success

June 24, 2012

Entrepreneurship, as God intended is designed to thrive within the community of His people. It is both an individual and a community factor of the “secret things” revealed by God to His own, designed to play a key role in them becoming the head and not the tail. As a true expression of righteous power, it can change the spiritual climate as it demonstrates the reality of God to non-believers when words fall short. Success of a new startup takes not only an expertise, but a realistic response to market need. In God’s economy, the success ratio is driven by much more, as I will soon discuss, not the least of which is making God the senior Partner and clearly adhering to His guidance.

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Entering God’s Economy

June 12, 2012

God’s economy is not some new dimension of Western Christian pop-culture. It is the dimension of those “secret things” that has been an integral part of the model explaining why the Jewish people have not only survived the civilizations that have come and gone over the centuries, but have been disproportionate contributors to the advancement of those societies. The model for these secret things came from Abraham, who operated a God-centered, entrepreneurial community. The mantle also came from Abraham: “to be blessed to be a blessing.” Moses then recorded the principles comprehensively for the operation of the model and mandate in the Books of Moses. Entrepreneurship is the spark that both ignites and fuels this dynamic encompassing the model and mandate that we refer to as God’s economy.

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Practical Kingdom Plans

June 6, 2012

All plans are driven by a specific purpose. Business plans within the world are more typically based on a profit-driven model. There is no question that a business cannot endure long without a profit. However, the mind-set for a Kingdom business is driven by stewardship and holds to a higher standard of purpose. When that standard is maintained, profit will follow; and holds the potential of surpassing the profit yielded by the profit-based model. In the Kingdom, money is neither chased nor the real goal, but instead is the servant. Kingdom planning can only be facilitated through the ongoing guidance of the Holy Spirit. With God as the Senior Partner, planning maximizes wisdom to outline goals and strategies that will serve not only the members of the enterprise, but the community served by the enterprise. It is the means by which dreams are turned into reality. In 1 Chronicles 28, we gain insight into the dynamic operating within David that was foundational to his role as a leader and king.

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Holy Spirit Planning

May 29, 2012

Planning is the systematic employment of wisdom to map out the best steps, or strategies, to maximize the benefit of the process for the one(s) involved and the end-result for the broader community. A planning mind-set sets leaders apart from followers. Good planning maps out the pathway. It is a mark of good stewardship. Planning engenders the discipline and maturity needed within community. Anointed planning means the Holy Spirit is uniquely involved. In this context, the Lord serves a central, interactive role in the planning process. Anointed planning pivots on faith-responses to God’s guidance. As outlined in Proverbs 3:5,6 this pivots on trusting the Lord for His input. God has always had a plan and a purpose for His own; individually and as a people.

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