The Gifts, Anointing and Calling

May 19, 2012

The mix of natural, spiritual and entrepreneurial gifts is stirred and released through the anointing and become the foundation for what we call one’s destiny or calling. The sowing of the gifts will yield enlargement. The impact of the gifts multiplies when applied with the community dynamic of tz’dakah or “righteous charity.” The long-term benefit of the gifts rightly applied extends ripples of blessings to both the one bestowing and the recipients.
“Do you see a man skilled in his work? He will stand before kings; he will not stand before obscure men.” Proverbs 22:29

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Spiritual Entanglements

May 6, 2012

One of the enemy’s most crafty and deadly strategies is that of entanglements. Entanglements are subtle, deceptive; swift in their efforts to infiltrate and calculated to release destruction. Entanglements are designed to confuse, distract and divert the Body. They keep the Body spinning its wheels on minor issues; diverted from the strategic and the essentials; and preoccupied with crises programmed in the pit of hell. Entanglements are part of the enemy’s game plan to keep the Body on the defensive, while progressively probing and penetrating vulnerabilities to undermine the work of the Kingdom. In his quest for power, the enemy gives focus to embedding his minions in seats of power in government, business and religious institutions. Yet, hell recoils when Spirit-led believers who operate in God’s authority penetrate “seats of power.”

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Strategy of Alliances

May 5, 2012

The extent that idolatry and sorcery have permeated the seats of power of the infrastructures encasing life as we know it today is a reality. Modern-day Ahabs and Jezebels operate deep in the heart of not only our political and business systems, but our religious institutions, as well. What needs to be brought into focus is the role of today’s Kingdom business-community leaders in reclaiming what the enemy has undermined and stolen. The Acts 7 Stephen spoke of the envy the brothers of Joseph had for him. The envy operating among Joseph’s brothers and the dishonor they sowed within the land of Promise were undermining the purposes God promised to their forefather Abraham. Something had to change. In addressing the realities of that change, God had a crucible designed to prepare Joseph for the authority required for him to effectively overcome the Jezebels of Egypt and the power associated with the envy of his brothers. So it is today, that God has those He has prepared and a strategy to redeem His purposes for those known by His Name.

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Strategy of Alliances (Part 2)

May 5, 2012

According to Psalm 105:17, the Lord sent Joseph to Egypt before the others to prepare the way for God’s purposes for His people. Joseph was the forerunner God used, not only to circumvent the coming disruptions, but to bring about the change needed to position God’s people to inherit His covenant promises. Yet over the centuries, the struggle has again and again been centered on God’s people being enticed and beguiled by the flavor of Chaldea; of finding it easier to believe the supernatural that comes from the evil one than to believe in the God of miracles. The flavor of Chaldea was represented by prophets of Baal and Asherah and was established by unholy alliances. Its impact was cycles of unbelief and disobedience resulting in bondage for God’s people. However, God has a company of modern-day Josephs and Daniels prepared with strategies and authority to reverse the bondage and open the gates for His purposes.

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Prepared to Prepare

May 5, 2012

The Kingdom view of success is very different from the way the world ranks success. The West is enticed by the illusions and vicarious followers of superheroes and the glitter of the limelight. However, genuine success is judged by a radically different standard, as the majority of the world faces realities that are the fruit of the bondage of corruption. All this has led to the need for greater clarity for what lies ahead. The spiritual tension underway in the world today has us poised before a time paralleling when Pharaoh recognized Joseph’s prophetic wisdom: a time of preparation preceding judgment. Recent spiritual shifts unveil the reemergence of a creeping evil that bears on the necessity to more strategically understand the times and to begin preparing: preparing not just spiritually, but in the natural. The response pivots on the Kingdom and the spiritual realities that bear on our priorities and view of success.

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Prepared to Prepare (Part 2)

May 5, 2012

Religious freedoms that have been taken for granted since the fall of the Iron and Bamboo Curtains are being challenged. There likewise is a struggle underway for the soul of Africa, where on one continent are found the resources sought by the rest of the world. The spiritual realities taking place in the world today; the creeping, reemerging evil ultimately will affect the entire Body and should be providing a sobering perspective that tempers our priorities. The times have experienced a shift and it is time to prepare. The story of Job’s path through the fire unveils truths pertinent to the righteous being prepared. Job was a righteous man in the sight of God. He was a spiritual forerunner and business leader of his day. As in the case with Job, the evil one’s encounters with today’s righteous face a barrier of protection represented by the anointing of God’s presence. Not surprisingly, Satan found access to counter this divine protection. It was through the blindness of ones Job regarded as friends. Contemporaneously, the evil one has employed gateways through the soulish nature of those closest to those being prepared to prepare. These are inside affiliations the devil can easily provoke with his undermining objectives. These are relationships reflecting a spiritual blindness marked by limited or misguided priorities and perspectives that the enemy can harness to serve his diversionary and destructive tactics.

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The Mandate, Model and Mantle

April 16, 2012

The world is searching for a people who will demonstrate the reality of God operating in their midst. Establishing God’s Kingdom authority goes beyond ethics, obeying His Word and being nice people. It goes beyond interim stratagems fueled by pop-Christian culture. It typically runs in the face of what is embraced as the status quo. It involves the application of the mandate, model and mantle drawn from the Jewish roots to our faith and is the foundation for what Jesus imparted as the Kingdom of God. In short, we are not called to be or operate like everyone else. We are called to be in the world, but not of the world. We’re called to make a difference that transforms.

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